Ziyuan Luo

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Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong Baptist University
Office: DLB 625, HKBU, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Email: ziyuanluo@life.hkbu.edu.hk
[Google Scholar]    [Github]

Short Bio

I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University, supervised by Dr. WAN, Renjie. I obtained my bachelor's degree and master's degree in Communication Engineering from the School of Information and Communication Engineering at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2019 and 2022, respectively. Since September 2022, I have also been a research intern at NVIDIA AI Technology Center.

My research interests include neural radiance fields, implicit neural representations, digital watermarking, and inverse problems.

Recent Publications

* indicates equal contribution.

  • Imaging Interiors: An Implicit Solution to Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems
    Ziyuan Luo, Boxin Shi, Haoliang Li, Renjie Wan
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milan, 2024
    [Paper]   [Project Page]

  • Protecting NeRFs’ Copyright via Plug-And-Play Watermarking Base Model
    Qi Song, Ziyuan Luo, Ka Chun Cheung, Simon See, Renjie Wan
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milan, 2024
    [Paper]   [Project Page]

  • A Vector and Geometry Interpretation of Basic Probability Assignment in Dempster‐Shafer Theory
    Ziyuan Luo and Yong Deng
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2020

  • A Matrix Method of Basic Belief Assignment's Negation in Dempster–Shafer Theory
    Ziyuan Luo and Yong Deng
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020

  • CogSimulator: A Model for Simulating User Cognition & Behavior with Minimal Data for Tailored Cognitive Enhancement
    Weizhen Bian, Yubo Zhou, Yuanhang Luo, Ming Mo, Siyan Liu, Yikai Gong, Ziyuan Luo, Aobo Wang, Renjie Wan
    In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024

Honors & Awards

  • Best Research Performance Award, Department of Computer Science of HKBU (2024)

  • UESTC Outstanding Students, UESTC (2018)

  • National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (2016, 2017, 2020, 2021)

  • Outstanding Graduates of Sichuan Province, Education Department of Sichuan Province (2018, 2022)

  • Goodix Scholarship, Goodix Technology, Inc (2018, 2020)

  • Tang Lixin Scholarship, Tang Lixin Education Development Fund (2016)


  • COMP7035 (Teaching Assistant): Python for Data Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023 S1, HKBU

  • COMP7930 (Teaching Assistant): Big Data Analytics, 2022/2023 S2, HKBU